In the winter of 2016 Day to Day HOPE (Helping Others Persevere & Endure) first began as an idea followed by a strong nudging by God, and soon after the formation of this organization began! We are a faith-based nonprofit operating from Michigan. We primarily provide assistance to those in the USA, but on a case-by-case basis provide encouragement to other locations if logistically possible.

The inspiration behind this organization is based on what our family witnessed people going through month after month, year after year, and ultimately day to day. Long before Day to Day HOPE was a thought in anyone’s mind, we first heard the words “Ehlers Danlos Syndrome” and became intimately acquainted with what chronic suffering felt like. EDS is a connective tissue disorder that allows ligaments to be stretched beyond their limit. At the time, nobody knew that wasn’t the only thing that would be stretched to their limit. So would relationships, finances, emotions, and faith in a world that can be so painful. We were soon thrown into a seemingly endless world of suffering alongside others going through similar things. As we met, became friends with, and watched other individuals and family’s experience wide-reaching suffering in their own lives we came to understand the importance of hope.

We’ve watched people wade through the loss and need in their stories of suffering… these people can be found in hospital hallways, darkened and lonely homes, across aisles in the grocery store, in the thick of a never-ending battle for survival, and nearly everywhere if we look. Time and time again a clear need for support and encouragement in the midst of chronic suffering has become apparent. As a result, our organization is specifically passionate about providing hope to situations where support dwindles though the suffering does not. The breaking apart of financial, emotional, spiritual, and relational support in the lives of people with chronic situations is so common and understandable. In spite of this, we believe the hands of Christ being displayed in countless ways should also be common. This type of encouragement can come in the form of financial assistance for medical care, adaptive equipment, pre-prepared meals, furniture for homebound days, cards and gifts of encouragement, and the support that comes from having your story heard and cared about. When there is little in life pointing to where the light is – it is then that we must step in and show all the ways in which it still remains.

As God has called us deeper and deeper into the painful and chronic story that is involved in a life of suffering, He has also called us deeper and deeper into the hearts and lives of people around us: Into their hearts where hope resides yet is so easily dimmed, where the will to go on is emptied and filled with the rising and setting of the sun, and where the support needed grows less as years pass. Our wish is to provide gifts of encouragement in the middle of the struggle, which will in turn provide the endurance to go on another day. Thank you for reading our story and for participating in this mission with us!

“You can go forty days without food and three days without water. You can go eight minutes without air. But you can’t go a single second without hope. It’s an essential part of life. When hope is gone, life is over.” -Rick Warren